Title - Blacklocks Boookshop - Rare & Historical Prints, Specialising in Egham, Englefield Green, Virginia Water
Rare & Historical Prints

A'bregé de L'Art Poetique Franҫois

A'bregé de L'Art Poetique Franҫois by Pierre de Ronsard, The Brook Hammersmith, Eragny Press, 1903.

200 copies of 226, 44pp, 8.5inches x 6inches. Quarter buff paper, gold stamped on upper cover, michallet paper boards with a repeat pattern of may blossom painted in buff and green. Green paper spine with slight split and a little wear. Arches paper, pages untrimmed, endpapers have some ghosting from the cords and the front free end paper has been affixed.

Contents are very good with no marks or stains.