Title - Blacklocks Boookshop - Rare & Historical Prints, Specialising in Egham, Englefield Green, Virginia Water
Rare & Historical Prints
Very Venetian www.very-venetian.co.uk - Very Venetian is based in Chertsey, and offers a huge range of Venetian Masks, Murano glass jewellery and other decorative and ornamental pieces.
Venice in Peril - The British Committee for the Preservarion of Venice www.veniceinperil.org - The Venice in Peril Fund went into action immediately after the great flood of 1966. At that moment, many Venetian monuments, churches and works of art were in serious danger of irreversible decay and the fund was set out to assist in their recovery and restoration. Restoration work continues to this day.
Simply Windsor Gifts www.simplywindsorgifts.co.uk - specialising in humorous novelty tea towels and aprons. Also selling soft toys, musical dolls, Paddington bears, table linen and lace handkerchiefs.