Title - Blacklocks Boookshop - Rare & Historical Prints, Specialising in Egham, Englefield Green, Virginia Water
Rare & Historical Prints

Silversmithing Drawings

3 designs executed in pencil wash and pastel of trophies and a tea service including a trophy design for the Royston Swimming Club 1950. Most likely the work of Avigdor Cannon of Shoreditch College Englefield Green. This was a craft and design college. Designs a little dusty but good quality design work of the mid 20th century.

1. Royston Swimming Club 54cms x 40cms approx.
2. London Gardens Trophy, measure drawing below. 50cms x 30cms approx.
3. Competition and Demonstration of Craftsmanship 1950 Section 25 Tea set in silver in measured drawing below. 75cms x 55cms approx.