Title - Blacklocks Boookshop - Rare & Historical Prints, Specialising in Egham, Englefield Green, Virginia Water
Rare & Historical Prints

Travels in Circassia & Krim-Tartary

Travels in Circassia & Krim-Tartary: Including A Steam Voyage Down The Danube From Vienna To Constantinople And Round The Black Sea by Edmund Spencer. Published by Henry Colburn, 1839, 3rd Edition. 8vo, Vol 1 XXIV 392pp, Vol 2 XII 415pp. Collated complete.

Hard cover Very Good. Two Volumes bound as one. Folding chart of The Black Sea. Hand coloured frontis to both volumes, one lithographic plate in each. Vocabulary at rear of Volume 2. Wood engraved vignettes. Full calf with red label. Gilt Titles and bands. All edges marbled. Award Bookplate of H. Meeson for Terminal Examination 1st Class, Arithmetic 1847.

High Quality Gilt decoration to spine and both boards.

Some marks here and there, some slight scuffing and one stain on front board.